CENG 415

Senior Design Project & Seminar I

Writing technical reports, project management and planning, system analysis, requirement analysis, engineering ethics, data design, software design, presenting a project

Learning Outcomes:

1.To be able to identify problem.
2.To be able to analyze the problem, to define the scope, constraint, requirements, to be able to design a solution.
3.To be able to design a solution that is innovative, sustainable and beneficial to the environment and society.
4.To be able to learn and use new methods and technologies.
5.To be able to gain teamwork skills.
6.To be able to present written and oral presentation skills of the project.
7.To be able to describe the concepts about entrepreneurship and innovation.

Writing technical reports
Project management and planning
System analysis
Requirement analysis
Engineering ethics
Data design
Software design
Presenting the project
Invited speaker- Project management
Invited speaker- Software development
Student project presentations
Student project presentations
Student project presentations
CENG 415-416 Bitirme Projeleri Yönergesi
CENG 415 - Proje Konusu Tanımlama Formu