CENG 416
Senior Design Project & Seminar II
Prerequisites: CENG 415
Invited speakers, change management, coding documentation, coding standards, testing, reliability, security, protyping, user manuals, group demos
Learning Outcomes:
1.To be able to identify problem.
2.To be able to analyze the problem, define the scope, constraint, requirements, and design a solution.
3.To be able to design a solution that is innovative, sustainable and beneficial to the environment and society.
4.To be able to learn and use new methods and technologies.
5.To be able to gain teamwork skills.
6.To be able to present written and oral presentation skills of the project.
Topics |
Introduction |
Invited speaker |
Change management |
Coding documentation |
Coding standards |
Testing |
Reliability |
Security |
Group protype presentations |
Group protype presentations |
User manual preparation |
Invited speaker |
Group demos |
Group demos |
Other Fourth Year Courses
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