CENG 113

Programming Basics

Fundamentals of computer programming: sequence, decision, repetion, syntax, compilation, debugging and maintenance, procedures, parameters, arrays, object, top-down structured design, layout and style. The emphasis is on an engineering “right-first-time” approach to solving large problems using computers. Basic concepts of algorithmics and algorithmic terminologies.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. To be able to provide algorithmic solutions for basic problems.
  2. To be able to use and explain main concepts of programming.
  3. To be able to design and apply decision structures.
  4. To be able to design and apply loop structures.
  5. To be able to monitor and analyze computer software.
  6. To be able to design, define and use functions.
  7. To be able to use recursive approach for problem solving.
  8. To be able to design, define and use class.


Introduction to Programming Basics – Tutorial – I
Introduction to Programming Basics – Tutorial – II
Types, Operators and Expressions
Program Control Flow
Program Structures
Course Evaluation and Review
Arrays and Strings
Pointers and Arrays
Recursive Functions
Dynamic Memory Allocation
Course Evaluation and Review
Input Output Functions


Lecturer Dr.
Assistant Professor
Other First Year Courses