
152 entries « 1 of 4 »


Emrah Inan

Prediction of Associations between Nanoparticle, Drug and Cancer Using Variational Graph Autoencoder Journal Article

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 26 (76), pp. 167–172, 2024.

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Ercüment Kaya; Işil Öz

Compiler-Managed Replication of CUDA Kernels for Reliable Execution of GPGPU Applications Journal Article

Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 2024.

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Işil Öz

Quantitative Performance Analysis of BLAS Libraries on GPU Architectures Journal Article

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 26 (76), pp. 40–48, 2024.

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Hüseyin Ünlü; Dhia Eddine Kennouche; Görkem Kilinç Soylu; Onur Demirörs

Microservice-based projects in agile world: A structured interview Journal Article

Information and Software Technology, 165 , pp. 107334, 2024.

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Tuna Hacaloğlu; Hüseyin Ünlü; Ali Yildiz; Onur Demirörs

Software Size Measurement: Bridging Research and Practice Journal Article

IEEE Software, 2024.

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Mahmut Agral; Selma Tekir

Improvements on a Multi-task BERT Model Inproceedings

32nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2024, Mersin, Turkiye, May 15-18, 2024, pp. 1–4, IEEE, 2024.

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Okan Çiftçi; Fatih Soygazi; Selma Tekir

Enrichment of Turkish question answering systems using knowledge graphs Journal Article

Turkish J. Electr. Eng. Comput. Sci., 32 (4), pp. 516–533, 2024.

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Samet Tenekeci; Selma Tekir

Identifying promoter and enhancer sequences by graph convolutional networks Journal Article

Comput. Biol. Chem., 110 , pp. 108040, 2024.

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Damla Oğuz; Fatih Soygazi

An interestingness measure for knowledge bases Journal Article

Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 43 , pp. 101417, 2023.

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Fatih Soygazi; Damla Oğuz

Performance Analysis of K-Degree Anonymization on Barabási-Albert Graph Journal Article

Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 23 (3), pp. 661 - 670, 2023.

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Celil Yilmaz; Abdulkadir Ozgun; Berat Alper Erol; Abdurrahman Gumus

Open-Source Visual Target-Tracking System Both on Simulation Environment and Real Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Inproceedings

International Congress of Electrical and Computer Engineering, pp. 147–159, Springer 2023.

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Egemen Aksoy; Arif Dorukan Çaįr; Berat Alper Erol; Abdurrahman Gumus

Real Time Computer Vision Based Robotic Arm Controller with ROS and Gazebo Simulation Environment Inproceedings

2023 14th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO), pp. 1–5, IEEE 2023.

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Buket Erşahin; Mustafa Erşahin

An information retrieval-based regression test selection technique Journal Article

Iran Journal of Computer Science, 6 (4), pp. 365–373, 2023.

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Fatih Soygazi; Damla Oguz

An Analysis of Large Language Models and LangChain in Mathematics Education Inproceedings

Proceedings of the 2023 7th International Conference on Advances in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 92–97, 2023.

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Bálint Gyires-Tóth; Işil Öz; Joe Bungo

Teaching Accelerated Computing and Deep Learning at a Large-Scale with the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute Journal Article

Journal of Computational Science, 14 (1), 2023.

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Burak Topçu; Işil Öz

Soft error vulnerability prediction of GPGPU applications Journal Article

The Journal of Supercomputing, 79 (6), pp. 6965–6990, 2023.

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Bálint Gyires-Tóth; Işil Öz; Joe Bungo

Teaching Accelerated Computing and Deep Learning at a Large-Scale with the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute Journal Article

Journal of Computational Science, 14 (1), 2023.

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Burak Topçu; Işil Öz

GPPRMon: GPU Runtime Memory Performance and Power Monitoring Tool Inproceedings

European Conference on Parallel Processing, pp. 17–29, Springer 2023.

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Burak Topçu; Işil Öz

Soft error vulnerability prediction of GPGPU applications Journal Article

The Journal of Supercomputing, 79 (6), pp. 6965–6990, 2023.

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Eyüp Kaan Akdeniz; Nesli Erdoğmuş

Kurt saldirilari için sentetik irislerde örnek seçilimi Inproceedings

2023 31st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, Siu, IEEE 2023.

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Eyüp Kaan Akdeniz; Nesli Erdoğmuş

Sample Picking in Synthetic Irides for Wolf Attacks Inproceedings

2023 31st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), pp. 1–4, IEEE 2023.

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Görkem Kilinç Soylu; Hüseyin Ünlü; Isra Shafique Ahmad; Onur Demirörs

Size Measurement and Effort Estimation in Microservice-based Projects: Results from Pakistan. Inproceedings

IWSM-Mensura, 2023.

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Gokcen Yilmaz; Asli Akcamete; Onur Demirors

BIM-CAREM: Assessing the BIM capabilities of design, construction and facilities management processes in the construction industry Journal Article

Computers in Industry, 147 , pp. 103861, 2023.

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Tuna Hacaloglu; Onur Demirors

An exploratory case study using events as a software size measure Journal Article

Information Technology and Management, 24 (3), pp. 293–312, 2023.

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Hüseyin Ünlü; Ozan Raşit Yürüm; Özden Özcan-Top; Onur Demirörs

How Software Practitioners Perceive Work-Related Barriers and Benefits Based on their Educational Background: Insights from a Survey Study Journal Article

IEEE Software, 2023.

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Görkem Kilinç Soylu; Onur Demirörs

An exploratory case study: using petri nets for modelling microservice-based systems Inproceedings

2023 49th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), pp. 254–261, IEEE 2023.

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Hüseyin Ünlü; Tuna Hacaloğlu; Neslihan Küçükateş Ömüral; Neslihan Çalişkanel; Onur Leblebici; Onur Demirörs

An exploratory case study on effort estimation in microservices Inproceedings

2023 49th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), pp. 215–218, IEEE 2023.

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Huseyin Unlu; Ozan Rasit Yurum; Ozden Ozcan-Top; Onur Demirors

How Software Practitioners Perceive Work-Related Barriers and Benefits Based on their Educational Background: Insights from a Survey Study Journal Article

IEEE Software, (01), pp. 1–10, 2023.

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Hüseyin Ünlü; Onur Demirörs; Vahid Garousi

Readiness and maturity models for Industry 4.0: A systematic literature review Journal Article

Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, pp. e2641, 2023.

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Ege Yiğit Çelik; Zeynel Orulluoğlu; Rıdvan Mertoğlu; Selma Tekir

Asking the Right Questions to Solve Algebraic Word Problems Journal Article

Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, 30 (7), pp. 2672-2687, 2022.

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Damla Oğuz

Ignoring Internal Utilities in High-Utility Itemset Mining Journal Article

Symmetry, 14 (11), pp. 2339, 2022.

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Serhat Caner; Nesli Erdoğmuş; Yusuf Murat Erten

Performance analysis and feature selection for network-based intrusion detectionwith deep learning Journal Article

Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 30 (3), pp. 629–643, 2022.

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Semih Orhan; Yalin Bastanlar

Semantic segmentation of outdoor panoramic images Journal Article

Signal, Image and Video Processing, 16 (3), pp. 643–650, 2022.

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Furkan Eren Uzyıldırım; Mustafa Özuysal

Improving outdoor plane estimation without manual supervision Journal Article

Signal, Image and Video Processing, 16 (2), pp. 1–9, 2022.

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Ibrahim Cinaroglu; Yalin Bastanlar

Training semantic descriptors for image-based localization Journal Article

arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.01212, 2022.

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Levent Bekdemir; Cuneyt F Bazlamaçcı

Hybrid probabilistic timing analysis with extreme value theory and copulas Journal Article

Microprocessors and Microsystems, 89 , pp. 104419, 2022.

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Erhan Asim Ozturk; Cuneyt F Bazlamaçcı

Fairness in Differentiated Services Architecture Inproceedings

Proceedings of The 17th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, pp. 264–268, CRC Press 2022.

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Pinar ERSOY; Mustafa ERŞAH.IN; Buket ERŞAH.IN

The Comparative Effects of Clustering Algorithms on CPU and GPU Journal Article

Artificial Intelligence Theory and Applications, 2 (2), pp. 19–27, 2022.

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Emrah Inan

Zoka: a fake news detection method using edge-weighted graph attention network with transfer models Journal Article

Neural Computing and Applications, 34 (14), pp. 11669–11677, 2022.

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Emrah Inan; Paul Thompson; Fenia Christopoulou; Tim Yates; Sophia Ananiadou

Knowledge graph enrichment of a semantic search system for construction safety Inproceedings

Proceedings of SAI Intelligent Systems Conference, pp. 33–52, Springer 2022.

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Işil Öz; Ömer Faruk Karadaş

Regional soft error vulnerability and error propagation analysis for GPGPU applications Journal Article

The Journal of Supercomputing, 78 (3), pp. 4095–4130, 2022.

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Busenur Aktilav; Işil Öz

Performance and accuracy predictions of approximation methods for shortest-path algorithms on GPUs Journal Article

Parallel Computing, 112 , pp. 102942, 2022.

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David P Bunde; Kishwar Ahmed; Sridevi Ayloo; Tisha Brown- Gaines; Joel Fuentes; Vishwesh Jatala; Ruth and Öz Işil Kurniawati; Apan Qasem; Philip J Schielke; others

Adopting heterogeneous computing modules: Experiences from a ToUCH summer workshop Inproceedings

2022 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Education for High Performance Computing (EduHPC), pp. 18–25, IEEE 2022.

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Burak Topçu; Işil Öz

Predicting the soft error vulnerability of GPGPU applications Inproceedings

2022 30th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP), pp. 108–115, IEEE 2022.

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Burak Topçu; Işil Öz

Performance Evaluation of CUDA Optimizations for Convolution Operations Journal Article

Yüksek Başarimli Hesaplama Konferansi (BAŞARIM). https://indico. truba. gov. tr/event/50/attachments/231/457/BASARIM2022_Proceedings. pdf, 2022.

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Işil Öz

FTGPGPU-Genel amaçli grafik işlemci birimi uygulamalari için donanim hatasi toleransi analizi Journal Article


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Hüseyin Ünlü; Burak Bilgin; Onur Demirörs

A survey on organizational choices for microservice-based software architectures Journal Article

Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 30 (4), pp. 1187–1203, 2022.

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Ahmet Coşkunçay; Onur Demirörs

A method for integrated business process modeling and ontology development Journal Article

Business Process Management Journal, 28 (3), pp. 606–629, 2022.

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Hüseyin Ünlü; Ali Yildiz; Onur Demirórs

Effort prediction with limited data: A case study for data warehouse projects Inproceedings

2022 48th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), pp. 233–238, IEEE 2022.

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Hüseyin Ünlü; Tuna Hacaloglu; Fatma Büber; Kivilcim Berrak; Onur Leblebici; Onur Demirörs

Utilization of three software size measures for effort estimation in agile world: A case study Inproceedings

2022 48th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), pp. 239–246, IEEE 2022.

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152 entries « 1 of 4 »