CENG 212
Concepts of Programming Languages
Syntax, semantics and pragmatics of programming languages. Data, storage and control. Binding of identifiers. Procedural abstraction. Definitions, sequences and concurrent processes. Types. Formal semantics. Study of key features of existing programming languages.
Learning Outcomes:
- To able to use languages belong to different programming paradigms.
- To able to easier to use a new programming language.
- To be able to explain compilation and execution steps of a program.
- To be able to implement high-level functions.
Topics |
Introduction |
Programming Language Syntax |
Names, Scopes, and Bindings |
Control Flow Structures |
Iteration and Recursion |
Data Types |
Subroutines and Control Abstraction |
Parameter Passing Methods |
Data Abstraction and Object-Oriented Approach-1 |
Data Abstraction and Object-Oriented Approach-2 |
Functional Programming-1 |
Functional Programming-2 |
Logic Programming-1 |
Logic Programming-2 |