CENG 451
Advanced Digital System Design
Finite state machine design and analysis; high-level hardware description languages, VHDL, automated synthesis in design; digital integrated circuit design and advanced design principles; electrical properties of digital circuits, synchronous and asynchronous circuits, computer arithmetic and interfacing to external circuitry, digital system testing and design for testability; implementation of embedded computing systems in terms of Application Specific Integrated Circuits; Design for reuse.
Topics |
Introduction to Digital System Design |
Review of Electronics |
Digital Design Concepts |
FPGA and ASIC design; VHDL Programming Language – I
Summary (Examination) |
Electronic Design Automation Tools |
Dedicated Soft Microprocessor/Microcontroller Design
General Purpose Soft Microprocessor/Microcontroller Design
Digital Signal Processor Design |
Fault-Tolerant Hardware Design Issues |
Interfacing to External Circuitry |
Design for Reuse, Testing and other Topics |
Case Study, Term Project |
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