Fevzi Belli

Dr. Belli is a professor emeritus of software engineering at University of Paderborn and at Izmir Institute of Technology. He has more than 35 years’ experience in research, development and teaching software engineering, validation & verification, fault tolerance, quality assur­ance, and hard­ware/software reuse. He graduated at the Technical University of Berlin, where he completed also his Ph.D. and (Post-Doctoral) Habilitation degrees.

Dr. Belli started his industrial carrier as a programmer in the aircraft in­dustry and wrote programs to create simulation environ­ments and to validate safety critical features. He was senior scien­tist with the German National Research Cen­ter for Informa­tion Tech­nology (GMD) and with the SHAPE Technical Center of NATO in The Hague. He headed sev­eral projects de­veloping real-time in­for­mation systems with a major German computer manufacturer in Mu­nich.

He has written and ed­ited some 30 books and more than 200 papers in different areas of software engineering, all published in re­nowned tech­ni­cal/scientific journals and pro­ceedings of national and interna­tional confer­ences. He is a founding and leading member of several technical committees and working groups dealing with reliability and fault tolerance for German and European Associations for Compu­ting and the IEEE Computer Society, among others. He headed se­veral international con­ferences, e.g., as General and Program Co-Chair of the IEEE Inter­national Computer and Soft­ware Application Conference (COMPSAC), as General Chair and Pro­gram Chair of IEEE In­ter­na­tional Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE), as Program Chair of the ACM-IEEE International Conference on Industrial & Engi­neering Applications of Arti­ficial In­telli­gence & Expert Systems (IEA/AIE). Moreover, he was an invited speaker and organizer of several panel sessions, e.g., for COMPSAC, ISSRE, European De­pend­able Comput­ing (EDCC), and Annual Turkish Software En­gineering Symposium (UYMS). He co-chaired UYMS 2015.

As head of the project team PT 2.13 of the IEC TC 56, he is in charge of the development of the international industrial standard IEC 62309 “Dependability of products con­tain­ing reused parts – Requirements for functionality and tests” that has recently been extended to software reuse, leading to IEC/PAS 62814 “De­pendability of software products containing reusable components – Guidance for functionality and tests.”

Prior to his appointment at the University of Paderborn, where Dr. Belli is also head of the In­sti­tute for Dependability and Reuse, he was already a full Pro­fessor at the University of Applied Sciences in Bremer­haven, Department for Computing En­gineering. He was also a fac­ulty mem­ber of the Univer­sity of Maryland, College Park, European Division, for many years. During 2002 and 2003, Dr. Belli was founding chair of the Computer Science Department at the Univer­sity of Economics in Izmir, Turkey.

  • B.Sc. : Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Berlin Technical University (1973)
  • M.Sc. : Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Berlin Technical University (1973)
  • Ph.D. : Informatics, Berlin Technical University (1978)

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Conference Paper

  • Kılınççeker, O., Türk, E., Challenger, M., Belli, F., “Applying the Ideal Testing Framework to HDL Programs,” International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems, ARCS, Workshop on Dependability and Fault Tolerance, VERFE, 2018.
  • Belli, F., “New Products Out of Reused Parts – Dream Or Reality? - Quality and Performance of Products that Contains Reused Parts,” International Conference on sustainable Development, ICSD, 2017.
  • Subramanyan, R., Belli, F., “Message from the STA 2017,” IEEE International COMPSAC Workshop on Software Test Automation, STA, 2017.
  • Belli, F., “On the Formal Fundaments of Software Engineering, Keynote Speech,” Turkish National Software Engineering Symposium, UYMS, 2017.
  • Kılınççeker, O., Belli, F., “Grafiksel kullanıcı arayüzleri için düzenli ifade bazlı test kapsama kriterleri – Coverage criteria for testing graphical user interfaces based on regular expressions,” Turkish National Software Engineering Symposium, UYMS, 2017.
  • Yemni, Ben, Ayed, L., Belli, F., Ben, Younes, A., Bendaly, Hlaoui, Y., “Message from the MVDA 2017 Workshop Organizers,” IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software and Applications, COMPSAC, 2017.
  • Belli, F., Beyazıt, M., Budnik, C.J., Tuğlular, T., “Advances in Model-Based Testing of Graphical User Interfaces,” Advances in Computers, vol. 107, Elsevier, 2017.
  • Kavzak, D., Ayav, T., Belli, F., “Neden Sonuç Çizgelerinden Test Girişlerinin Oluşturulması,” Ulusal Yazılım Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, UYMS, 2016.
  • Belli, F., “Dependable Reuse of Software Components and Systems,” IZTECH Workshop on Dependability, 2016.
  • Belli, F., Linschulte, M., Tuğlular, T., “Karar tablosu destekli olay sıra çizgeleri temelli sınama durum üretim aracı – Decision Table-Supported Tool for Test Case Generation Based on Event Sequence Graphs,” Turkish National Conference on Software Engineering, 2016.
  • Kavzak, D., Ayav, T., Belli, F., “Neden-sonuç çizgelerinden test girişlerinin oluşturulması – Test Case Generation Based on Cause - Effect Graphs,” Turkish National Conference on Software Engineering, 2016.
  • Jemni, Ben, Ayed, L., Belli, F., Ben, Younes, A., Bendaly, Hlaoui, Y., “Message from the MVDA 2016 Workshop Organizers,” Computer Software and Applications Conference, COMPSAC, 2016.
  • Belli, F., “Dependable Reuse of Software and Hardware Components - A Holistic View,” International Conference on sustainable Development, ICSD, 2016.
  • Belli, F., Subramanyan, R., “Message from the STA 2016 Workshop Organizers,” Computer Software and Applications Conference, COMPSAC, 2016.
  • Belli, F., “Model-Based Testing of Reusable Software Components and Systems,” IEEE International Workshop on Model-Based Verification & Validation, MVV, 2016.
  • Belli, F., Budnik, C.J., Hollmann, A., Tuğlular, T., Wong, W.E., “Model-based Mutation Testing—Approach and Case Studies,” Science of Computer Programming, vol.120, pp.24-48, May 2016.
  • Tuğlular, T., Belli, F., Linschulte, M., “Input Contract Testing of Graphical User Interfaces,” International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, vol.26, no.2, pp.183-215, March 2016.
  • Tuğlular, T., Belli, F., Linschulte, M., “Input Contract Testing of Graphical User Interfaces,” International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, vol.26, no.2, pp.183-215, March 2016.
  • Belli, F., Budnik, C.J., Hollmann, A., Tuğlular, T., Wong, W.E., “Model-based Mutation Testing—Approach and Case Studies,” Science of Computer Programming, vol.120, pp.24-48, May 2016.
  • Ayav, T., Tuğlular, T., Belli, F., “Transforming VHDL to Timed Automata,” Technical Report, IYTE-COMPENG, 2015.
  • Ayav, T., Belli, F., “Boolean Differentiation for Formalizing Myers' Cause-Effect Graph Testing Technique,” Workshop on Model-based Verification and Validation, MVV, 2015.
  • Ayav, T., Tuğlular, T., Belli, F., “Model Based Testing of VHDL Programs,” IEEE International Workshop on Software Test Automation, STA, 2015.
  • Belli, F., “Regular Expressions for Fault Handling in Sequential Circuits,” International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems, ARCS, Workshop on Dependability and Fault Tolerance, VERFE, 2015.
  • Tuğlular, T., Müftüoğlu, C.A., Belli, F., Linschulte, M., “Model-Based Contract Testing of Graphical User Interfaces,” IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol.E93-D, no.7, pp.1297-1305, July 2015.
  • Tuğlular, T., Müftüoğlu, C.A., Belli, F., Linschulte, M., “Model-Based Contract Testing of Graphical User Interfaces,” IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol.E93-D, no.7, pp.1297-1305, July 2015.
  • Belli, F., Beyazıt, M., “Exploiting Model Morphology for Event-Based Testing,” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol.41, no.2, pp.113-134, February 2015.
  • Belli, F., Quella, F., “Utilization of Used Components in New Electrical and Electronic Products,” VDE Verlag, 2015.
  • Ayav, T., Tuğlular, T., Belli, F., “Towards Test Case Generation for Synthesizable VHDL Programs Using Model Checker,” Workshop on Model-based Verification and Validation, MVV, 2010.
  • Tuğlular, T., Belli, F., “Protocol-Based Testing of Firewalls,” South-East European Workshop on Formal Methods, SEEFM, 2009.
  • Tuğlular, T., Müftüoğlu, C.A., Belli, F., Linschulte, M., “Event-Based Input Validation Using Design-by-Contract Patterns,” International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, ISSRE, 2009.
  • Tuğlular, T., Müftüoğlu, C.A., Kaya, Ö., Belli, F., Linschulte, M., “GUI Based Testing of Boundary Overflow Vulnerability,” IEEE International Workshop on Software Testing Automation (STA) in conjunction with International Conference on Conference on Computer, Software and Applications (COMPSAC), 2009.
  • Tuğlular, T., Belli, F., “Directed Acyclic Graph Modeling of Security Policies for Firewall Testing,” International Workshop on Model-Based Verification & Validation (MVV ) in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Secure Software Integration and Reliability Improvement (SSIRI), 2009.

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  • IZTECH Computer Engineering Dept., Gulbahce, 35430 Urla, İzmir, Turkey
  • fevzibelli@iyte.edu.tr