PhD Program
Program Educational Objectives
1. | Produce original knowledge in the area of specialization. |
2. | Work effectively, individually as well as in teams. |
3. | Interpret own knowledge impressively at international or inter-disciplinary platforms. |
4. | Defend own views convincingly in at least one foreign language. |
5. | Evaluate own work unbiased and ethically. |
6. | Reflect research results on teaching and transfer them to technology. |
Program Outcomes
1. | Produces original knowledge, by using in-depth and in-breadth knowledge. |
2. | Uses state-of-the-art knowledge, products, processes and methods. |
3. | Publishes research results in reputed academic journals and conferences. |
4. | Criticizes knowledge produced in the areas of specialization, evaluates it in social environments and effectively defends own views in a foreign language. |
5. | Evaluates scientific, technological, social and cultural developments and explains them ethically minded to the public. |