Dear All,
You are cordially invited to the following MSc Thesis Defense Seminars by:
Fatih Ersoy:
Title: Modeling Microservice Based Applications: Model Lives inside Code Approach
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Onur Demirörs
Time: 01.07.2024, Monday, 15:00
Place: Computer Engineering Meeting Room
Dhia Kennouche:
Title: Predicting Software Size from Requirements Written in Natural Language: A Generative AI Based Approach
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Onur Demirörs
Time: 01.07.2024, Monday, 13:30
Place: Computer Engineering Meeting Room
Ege Yiğit Çelik:
Title: Learning Citation-Aware Representations for Scientific Papers
Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selma Tekir
Time: 27.06.2024 Thursday, 10:30 am
Place: Computer Engineering Meeting Room
Şükrü Güzel:
Title: Combining Persona and Argument in Dialogue
Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selma Tekir
Time: 27.06.2024 Thursday, 11:30 am
Place: Computer Engineering Meeting Room
You are cordially invited to the following PhD Thesis Defense Seminars by:
Leyla Tekin:
Title: Knowledge Hiding on Graph Data
Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Belgin Ergenç Bostanoğlu
Time: 10.07.2024 15:30
Place: Computer Engineering Meeting Room
Büşra Çalmaz:
Title: Graphlet mining on Big Data
Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Belgin Ergenç Bostanoğlu
Time: 10.07.2024 13:30
Place: Computer Engineering Meeting Room
Ersin Çine:
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Yalın Baştanlar
Co-advisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Özuysal
Time: 10.07.2024 10:00
Place: Computer Engineering Meeting Room
Onur Keklik:
Title: Local Citation Recommendation with Graph Convolutional Networks
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Tuğkan Tuğlular
Co-advisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selma Tekir
Time: 27.06.2024 Thursday, 13:30
Place: Computer Engineering Meeting Room