Belgin Ergenç Bostanoğlu received the Diploma Degree in Computer Science from Middle East Technical University, Ankara,Turkey in 1983. She worked with different titles and responsibilities in IT industry during 1983 – 2000. She received the MS Degree in Computer Engineering from Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey in 2002 and Ph.D. degree from Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse, France, in 2008 respectively. She is an associate professor in the Department of Computer Engineering at Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey. Her main research interests include query optimization in distributed databases, association rule mining.She is managing the research laboratory of Dworld. She likes reading, travelling, photography, cinema and jazz music. Her favorite sports are walking, swimming and pilates.
- B.Sc. : Computer Engineering, Middle East Technical University (1983)
- M.Sc. : Computer Engineering, Izmir Institute of Technology (2002)
- Ph.D. : Computer Engineering, Paul Sabatier University, France (2008)
- SEDS 502 - Contemporary Database Management Systems
- CENG 315 - Information Management
- CENG 435 - Database System Design and Implementation
- CENG 436 - Distributed Information Management
- CENG 541 - Advanced Database Management Systems
- CENG 542 - Knowledge Discovery
- CENG 642 - Privacy Preserving Data Mining
- CENG 600 - PhD Thesis
- SEDS 482 - Software Engineering and Data Science Primer II
- SEDS 535 - Knowledge Discovery
- CENG 643 - Pattern Discovery in Data Mining
- CENG 566 - Privacy Enhancing Technologies
2025 |
TurkMedNLI: a Turkish medical natural language inference dataset through large language model based translation Journal Article PeerJ Computer Science, 11 , pp. e2662, 2025. |
2024 |
BDAC: Boundary-driven approximations of k-cliques Journal Article Journal of Symmetry, 16 (8), pp. 983, 2024. |
A Qualitative Survey on Community Detection Attack Algorithms Journal Article Journal of Symmetry, 16 (10), pp. 1272, 2024. |
Edge Deletion Based Subgraph Hiding Journal Article WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, 21 , pp. 2224-3402, 2024. |
k-Clique counting on large scale-graphs: a survey Journal Article PeerJ Computer Science, 10 , pp. e2501, 2024. |
Dynamic frequent subgraph mining algorithms over evolving graphs: a survey Journal Article PeerJ Computer Science, 10 , 2024. |
2020 |
Minimizing information loss in shared data: Hiding frequent patterns with multiple sensitive support thresholds Journal Article Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal, 13 (4), pp. 309–323, 2020. |