News and Announcements

2024-2025 Fall Final Exam Dates

Course Code Final Date Class CENG111 14.01.2025 D1-D3-D5 CENG113 09.01.2025 D1-D5 CENG115 10.01.2025 D0-D5 CENG211 13.01.2025 D0-D2-D3 CENG213 06.01.2025 D0-D5 CENG215 10.01.2025 D0-D5 CENG311 16.01.2025 […]

PhD Thesis Defense Seminars

Dear All, You are cordially invited to the following PhD Thesis Defense seminars: Knowledge Hiding on Graph Data by Leyla Tekin Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. […]

MicroArc Paper is Presented in iSCSi Conference

Paper named ”MicroArc: Event Driven Analysis and Design Method for Microservices” is presented by our PhD candidate Ali Yıldız in iSCSi (International Conference On Industry […]

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Introduction Event

On November 5, 2024, Asst. Prof. Dr. Damla Oğuz introduced our department at Bahçeşehir College Career Days held at the Güzelbahçe Campus. On November 6, […]

Workshop: A Size Measurement Method for Microservices-Based Architectures

Dear all, You are cordially invited to the following workshop in the Department of Computer Engineering. “A Size Measurement Method for Microservices-Based Architectures” by Prof. […]


Between September 30 and October 4, 2024, at the IWSM-MENSURA 2024 conference held in Montréal, CANADA, Prof. Dr. Onur Demirörs presented a workshop titled “Event-based […]

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PARS Research Group Conference Presentation

PARS Research group member Emre Dinçer presented the paper, titled “Community Detection for Large Graphs on GPUs with Unified Memory” in IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing […]

ROAR-NET Meeting

Asst. Prof. Işıl Öz attended ROAR-NET (Randomised Optimisation Algorithms Research Network) Working Group-1 meeting in Wuppertal, Germany.

CERCIRAS Training School 2024

Research Assistant Nuri Furkan Pala attended CERCIRAS (Connecting Education and Research Communities for an Innovative Resource Aware Society) Training School in Klagenfurt, Austria.

Announcement about students who have the right to take additional exams

The following students who have completed the maximum education term have gained the right to take additional exams. The courses in which they will take […]