News and Announcements

IEEE-IZTECH Computer Society is established

“IEEE-IZTECH Computer Society” is established as a student society under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Tuğkan Tuğlular. For more details on activities, workshops and events, […]

Prof. Dr. Onur Demirörs joined our department

Prof. Dr. Onur Demirörs received his B.Sc. in Computer Engineering from Middle East Technical University. He got two M.Sc. degrees; one from Ege University in […]

Our first Ph.D. graduates

As a result of our joint Ph.D. program with the Distributed Databases Group under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Hamurlain in Paul Sabatier University, in […]

ACM-W Scholarship Award for Özge Sevgili

Our research assistant and M.S. student Özge Sevgili has been awarded an ACM-W scholarship for attendance at International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation 2017. We proudly congratulate […]

A seminar on "Big Data"

Asst. Prof. Selim Temizer from Computer Engineering Department of Middle East Technical University will give a seminar on “Big Data” on June 12, 2017 at […]

GBYF 2017 event was a success

6th GBYF event hosted by our Department was a great success. With the participation of 12 Computer and/or Software Engineering Departments of 10 universities in […]

A joint workshop on clouds and big data is underway

Joint Workshop on Cloud Computing, Cloud Security, Big Data and Data Analytics will be held at the Teknopark Izmir Innovation Center on 23 May 2017. […]

GBYF 2017 will be hosted by our department

This year, the GBYF Project Exhibition and Competition will be hosted by our Department. The participant universities are Adnan Menderes University, Balıkesir University, Dokuz Eylul University, […]

3rd Dependability Workshop will be held in IZTECH

The Dependability Workshop will be organized 3rd time this year by the following faculty members of our department: Tolga Ayav, Fevzi Belli, Y. Murat Erten, […]