SEDS 541

Privacy Preserving Data Sharing and Management

This course investigates the methods used for data and knowledge hiding in order to provide privacy of the individuals and organizations. Privacy protection approaches in the data management. Survey on different classes of privacy preserving data mining methods that belong to the knowledge hiding thread in case of data sharing.

Week Topics
1 Introduction to Privacy Preserving Data Mining and Association Rule Hiding
2 Background (Terminology and Preliminaries)
3 Classes of Association Rule Hiding Methodologies
4 Other Knowledge Hiding Methodologies
5 Heuristic Approaches
6 Border Based Approaches
7 Max–Min Algorithms (BBA Algorithm)
8 Max–Min Algorithms (Other)
9 Exact Hiding Approaches (Menon’s Algorithm)
10 Exact Hiding Approaches (Inline Algorithm)
11 Exact Hiding Approaches (Two–Phase Iterative Algorithm)
12 Exact Hiding Approaches (Hybrid Algorithm)
13 Exact Hiding Approaches (Parallelization Framework)
14 Quantifying the Privacy of Exact Hiding Algorithms