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@article{O\u{g}uz2023, title = {An interestingness measure for knowledge bases}, author = {Damla O\u{g}uz and Fatih Soygazi}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2215098623000952}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jestch.2023.101417}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-07-01}, journal = {Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal}, volume = {43}, pages = {101417}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{Oguz2023b, title = {Performance Analysis of K-Degree Anonymization on Barab\'{a}si-Albert Graph}, author = {Fatih Soygazi and Damla O\u{g}uz}, doi = {10.35414/akufemubid.1149701}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-07-01}, journal = {Afyon Kocatepe \"{U}niversitesi Fen ve M\"{u}hendislik Bilimleri Dergisi}, volume = {23}, number = {3}, pages = {661 - 670}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @inproceedings{yilmaz2023open, title = {Open-Source Visual Target-Tracking System Both on Simulation Environment 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Picking in Synthetic Irides for Wolf Attacks}, author = { Ey\"{u}p Kaan Akdeniz and Nesli Erdo{\u{g}}mu{\c{s}}}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-01-01}, booktitle = {2023 31st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)}, pages = {1--4}, organization = {IEEE}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @inproceedings{soylu2023size, title = {Size Measurement and Effort Estimation in Microservice-based Projects: Results from Pakistan.}, author = { G\"{o}rkem Kilin{\c{c}} Soylu and H\"{u}seyin \"{U}nl\"{u} and Isra Shafique Ahmad and Onur Demir\"{o}rs}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-01-01}, booktitle = {IWSM-Mensura}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @article{yilmaz2023bim, title = {BIM-CAREM: Assessing the BIM capabilities of design, construction and facilities management processes in the construction industry}, author = { Gokcen Yilmaz and Asli Akcamete and Onur Demirors}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-01-01}, 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@inproceedings{soylu2023exploratory, title = {An exploratory case study: using petri nets for modelling microservice-based systems}, author = { G\"{o}rkem K{i}l{i}n{\c{c}} Soylu and Onur Demir\"{o}rs}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-01-01}, booktitle = {2023 49th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA)}, pages = {254--261}, organization = {IEEE}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @inproceedings{unlu2023exploratory, title = {An exploratory case study on effort estimation in microservices}, author = { H\"{u}seyin \"{U}nl\"{u} and Tuna Hacalo{\u{g}}lu and Neslihan K\"{u}{\c{c}}\"{u}kate{\c{s}} \"{O}m\"{u}ral and Neslihan {\c{C}}ali{\c{s}}kanel and Onur Leblebici and Onur Demir\"{o}rs}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-01-01}, booktitle = {2023 49th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA)}, pages = {215--218}, organization = {IEEE}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @article{unlu2023softwareb, title = {How Software Practitioners Perceive Work-Related Barriers and Benefits Based on their Educational Background: Insights from a Survey Study}, author = { Huseyin Unlu and Ozan Rasit Yurum and Ozden Ozcan-Top and Onur Demirors}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-01-01}, journal = {IEEE Software}, number = {01}, pages = {1--10}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{unlu2023readiness, title = {Readiness and maturity models for Industry 4.0: A systematic literature review}, author = { H\"{u}seyin \"{U}nl\"{u} and Onur Demir\"{o}rs and Vahid Garousi}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-01-01}, journal = {Journal of Software: Evolution and Process}, pages = {e2641}, publisher = {Wiley Online Library}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{celik2022, title = {Asking the Right Questions to Solve Algebraic Word Problems}, author = {Ege Yi\u{g}it 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pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @article{topccu2022performance, title = {Performance Evaluation of CUDA Optimizations for Convolution Operations}, author = { Burak Top{\c{c}}u and I{\c{s}}{i}l \"{O}z}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-01-01}, journal = {Y\"{u}ksek Ba\c{s}arimli Hesaplama Konferansi (BA\c{S}ARIM). https://indico. truba. gov. tr/event/50/attachments/231/457/BASARIM2022_Proceedings. pdf}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{oz2022ftgpgpu, title = {FTGPGPU-Genel ama\c{c}li grafik i\c{s}lemci birimi uygulamalari i\c{c}in donanim hatasi toleransi analizi}, author = { I{\c{s}}{i}l \"{O}z}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-01-01}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{unlu2022survey, title = {A survey on organizational choices for microservice-based software architectures}, author = { H\"{u}seyin \"{U}nl\"{u} and Burak Bilgin and Onur Demir\"{o}rs}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-01-01}, journal = 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pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @inproceedings{unlu2022utilization, title = {Utilization of three software size measures for effort estimation in agile world: A case study}, author = { H\"{u}seyin \"{U}nl\"{u} and Tuna Hacaloglu and Fatma B\"{u}ber and K{i}v{i}lc{i}m Berrak and Onur Leblebici and Onur Demir\"{o}rs}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-01-01}, booktitle = {2022 48th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA)}, pages = {239--246}, organization = {IEEE}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @incollection{gokalp2022improved, title = {Improved Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm with Adaptive Pursuit Based Strategy Selection}, author = { Osman Gokalp}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-01-01}, booktitle = {Handbook of Nature-Inspired Optimization Algorithms: The State of the Art: Volume I: Solving Single Objective Bound-Constrained Real- Parameter Numerical Optimization Problems}, pages = {91--115}, publisher = {Springer}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {incollection} } @inproceedings{Orhan_2021_ICCV, title = {Efficient Search in a Panoramic Image Database for Long-Term Visual Localization}, author = { Semih Orhan and Yalın Ba\c{s}tanlar}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-10-01}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops}, pages = {1727-1734}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @article{doi:10.1142/S0218194021500479, title = {Author Reputation Measurement on Question and Answer Sites by the Classification of Author-Generated Content}, author = { Erhan Sezerer and Samet Tenekeci and Ali Acar and Bora Balo\u{g}lu and Selma Tekir}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218194021500479}, doi = {10.1142/S0218194021500479}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, journal = {International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering}, volume = {31}, number = {10}, pages = 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industry: feedback from the field}, author = { Deniz Akdur and Bilge Say and Onur Demir\"{o}rs}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, journal = {Software and Systems Modeling}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {447--467}, publisher = {Springer}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @inproceedings{unlu2021effort, title = {Effort Prediction for Microservices: A Case Study}, author = { H\"{u}seyin \"{U}nl\"{u} and Tuna Hacalo\u{g}lu and Onur Leblebici and Onur Demir\"{o}rs}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, booktitle = {2021 15th Turkish National Software Engineering Symposium (UYMS)}, pages = {1--6}, organization = {IEEE}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @inproceedings{unlu2021software, title = {Software Effort Estimation Using ISBSG Dataset: Multiple Case Studies}, author = { H\"{u}seyin \"{U}nl\"{u} and Ali G\"{o}rkem Yal\c{c}ın and Dilek \"{O}zt\"{u}rk and G\"{u}liz Akkaya and Mert Kalecik and Nazım Umut Ekici and O\u{g}uzhan Orhan and Okan \c{C}ift\c{c}i and Selen Yumlu and Onur Demir\"{o}rs}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, booktitle = {2021 15th Turkish National Software Engineering Symposium (UYMS)}, pages = {1--6}, organization = {IEEE}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @inproceedings{9582579, title = {Event Oriented vs Object Oriented Analysis for Microservice Architecture: An Exploratory Case Study}, author = { Huseyin Unlu and Samet Tenekeci and Ali Yıldız and Onur Demirors}, doi = {10.1109/SEAA53835.2021.00038}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, booktitle = {2021 47th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA)}, pages = {244-251}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @article{oz2021predicting, title = {Predicting the soft error vulnerability of parallel applications using machine learning}, author = { I\c{s}ıl \"{O}z and Sanem Arslan}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, journal = {International Journal of Parallel Programming}, volume = {49}, number = {3}, pages = {410--439}, publisher = {Springer}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{oz2021scalable, title = {Scalable parallel implementation of migrating birds optimization for the multi-objective task allocation problem}, author = { Dindar \"{O}z and I\c{s}ıl \"{O}z}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, journal = {The Journal of Supercomputing}, volume = {77}, number = {3}, pages = {2689--2712}, publisher = {Springer}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{kaya2021evaluating, title = {Evaluating Performance and Reliability of Selective Redundant Multithreading for GPGPU Applications}, author = { Erc\"{u}ment Kaya and \"{O}mer Faruk Karada\c{s} and I\c{s}ıl \"{O}z}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{tos2021achieving, title = {Achieving query performance in the cloud via a cost-effective data replication strategy}, author = { Uras Tos and Riad Mokadem and Abdelkader Hameurlain and Tolga Ayav}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, journal = {Soft Computing}, volume = {25}, number = {7}, pages = {5437--5454}, publisher = {Springer}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{kavzak2021test, title = {Test input generation from cause--effect graphs}, author = { Deniz Kavzak Ufuktepe and Tolga Ayav and Fevzi Belli}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, journal = {Software Quality Journal}, volume = {29}, number = {4}, pages = {733--782}, publisher = {Springer}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @inproceedings{kaptan2021secure, title = {Secure IoT Update Using Blockchain}, author = { Melike Kaptan and Emrah Tomur and Tolga Ayav and Yusuf M Erten}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, booktitle = {2021 2nd International Informatics and Software Engineering Conference (IISEC)}, pages = {1--6}, organization = {IEEE}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @inproceedings{tuglular2021behavior, title = {Behavior-Driven Development of Software Product Lines}, author = { Tugkan Tuglular and Deniz Egemen Coskun}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, booktitle = {2021 8th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications (DSA)}, pages = {230--239}, organization = {IEEE}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @inproceedings{ufuktepe2021code, title = {Code change sniffer: Predicting future code changes with Markov chain}, author = { Ekincan Ufuktepe and Tugkan Tuglular}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, booktitle = {2021 IEEE 45th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC)}, pages = {1014--1019}, organization = {IEEE}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @inproceedings{tuglular2021behaviorb, title = {Behavior-Driven Development of Software Product Lines}, author = { Tugkan Tuglular and Deniz Egemen Coskun}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, booktitle = {2021 8th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications (DSA)}, pages = {230--239}, organization = {IEEE}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @inproceedings{yapici2021application, title = {Application of Human-Robot Interaction Features to Design and Purchase Processes of Home Robots}, author = { Nur Beril Yapici and Tugkan Tuglular and Nuri Basoglu}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, booktitle = {International Conference on Social Robotics}, pages = {808--813}, organization = {Springer}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @inproceedings{ufuktepe2021relation, title = {The relation between bug fix change patterns and change impact analysis}, author = { Ekincan Ufuktepe and Tugkan Tuglular and Kannappan Palaniappan}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, booktitle = {2021 IEEE 21st International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS)}, pages = {1089--1099}, organization = {IEEE}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @inproceedings{belli2021heterogeneous, title = {Heterogeneous Modeling and Testing of Software Product Lines}, author = { Fevzi Belli and Tugkan Tuglular and Ekincan Ufuktepe}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, booktitle = {2021 IEEE 21st International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C)}, pages = {1079--1088}, organization = {IEEE}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @inproceedings{khalilov2021mutation, title = {Mutation Analysis of Specification-Based Contracts in Software Testing}, author = { Abbas Khalilov and Tugkan Tuglular and Fevzi Belli}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, booktitle = {2021 15th Turkish National Software Engineering Symposium (UYMS)}, pages = {1--6}, organization = {IEEE}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @article{article, title = {Behavior-Driven Development of Microservice Applications}, author = { Tugkan Tuglular and Deniz Co\c{s}kun and \"{O}mer G\"{u}len and Arman Okluo\u{g}lu and Kaan Algan}, doi = {10.46300/9108.2021.15.20}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, journal = {International Journal of Computers}, volume = {15}, pages = {130-137}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{ercsahin2021information, title = {Information retrieval-based bug localization approach with adaptive attributeweighting}, author = { Mustafa Er\c{s}ahin and Semih Utku and Deniz Kilinc and Buket Er\c{s}ahin}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, journal = {Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences}, volume = {29}, number = {3}, pages = {1598--1614}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @inproceedings{alasmar2021workload, title = {Workload Distribution on Heterogeneous Platforms}, author = { Mahmoud Alasmar and Cuneyt F Bazlama\c{c}cı}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, booktitle = {2021 International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS)}, pages = {1--5}, organization = {IEEE}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @inproceedings{sert2021nfa, title = {NFA based regular expression matching on FPGA}, author = { Kamil Sert and Cuneyt F Bazlama\c{c}cı}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, booktitle = {2021 International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS)}, pages = {1--5}, organization = {IEEE}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @inproceedings{bekdemir2021hibrit, title = {Hibrit olasiliksal zamanlama analizi}, author = { Levent Bekdemir and Cuneyt F Bazlama\c{c}cı}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, booktitle = {2021 Turkish National Software Engineering Symposium, UYMS 2021-Proceedings}, organization = {IEEE}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @article{sarkar2021novel, title = {A novel search and survey technique for unmanned aerial systems in detecting and estimating the area for wildfires}, author = { Mrinmoy Sarkar and Xuyang Yan and Berat A Erol and Ioannis Raptis and Abdollah Homaifar}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, journal = {Robotics and Autonomous Systems}, volume = {145}, pages = {103848}, publisher = {Elsevier}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{dede2021human, title = {Human--robot interfaces of the NeuRoboScope: A minimally invasive endoscopic pituitary tumor surgery robotic assistance system}, author = { Mehmet \.{I}smet Can Dede and G\"{o}khan Kiper and Tolga Ayav and Barbaros \"{O}zdemirel and Enver Tatlıcıo\u{g}lu and Sahin Hanalioglu and \.{I}lkay I\c{s}ıkay and Mustafa Berker}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, journal = {Journal of Medical Devices}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, publisher = {American Society 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software tool for evaluating unmanned autonomous systems}, author = { Abdollah Homaifar and Ali Karimoddini and Mike Heiges and Mubbashar A Khan and Berat A Erol and Shabnam Nazmi}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.10871}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @inproceedings{inan2021hsearch, title = {Hsearch: Semantic search system for workplace accident reports}, author = { Emrah Inan and Paul Thompson and Tim Yates and Sophia Ananiadou}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, booktitle = {Advances in Information Retrieval: 43rd European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2021, Virtual Event, March 28--April 1, 2021, Proceedings, Part II 43}, pages = {514--519}, organization = {Springer}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @article{inan2021semantic, title = {A Semantic-Embedding Model-Driven Seq2Seq Method for Domain- Oriented Entity Linking on Resource-Restricted Devices}, author = { Emrah 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{article} } @article{gokalp2020multi, title = {A multi-start ILS--RVND algorithm with adaptive solution acceptance for the CVRP}, author = { Osman Gokalp and Aybars Ugur}, year = {2020}, date = {2020-01-01}, journal = {Soft Computing}, volume = {24}, number = {4}, pages = {2941--2953}, publisher = {Springer}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{gokalp2020high, title = {A high-level and adaptive metaheuristic selection algorithm for solving highdimensional bound-constrained continuous optimization problems}, author = { Osman G\"{o}kalp and AYBARS U{\u{G}}UR}, year = {2020}, date = {2020-01-01}, journal = {Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences}, volume = {28}, number = {3}, pages = {1549--1566}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{gokalp2020novel, title = {A novel wrapper feature selection algorithm based on iterated greedy metaheuristic for sentiment classification}, author = { Osman Gokalp and Erdal Tasci and Aybars Ugur}, year = {2020}, date = {2020-01-01}, journal = {Expert Systems with Applications}, volume = {146}, pages = {113176}, publisher = {Elsevier}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{gokalp2020iterated, title = {An iterated greedy algorithm for the obnoxious p-median problem}, author = { Osman Gokalp}, year = {2020}, date = {2020-01-01}, journal = {Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence}, volume = {92}, pages = {103674}, publisher = {Elsevier}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @inproceedings{gokalp2020dna, title = {DNA Sequence Motif Discovery Using Greedy Construction Algorithm Based Techniques}, author = { Osman Gokalp}, year = {2020}, date = {2020-01-01}, booktitle = {2020 5th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK)}, pages = {176--180}, organization = {IEEE}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @article{erol2019toward, title = {Toward artificial emotional intelligence for cooperative social human--machine interaction}, author = {Berat A Erol and Abhijit Majumdar and Patrick Benavidez and Paul Rad and Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo and Mo Jamshidi}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-01-01}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems}, volume = {7}, number = {1}, pages = {234--246}, publisher = {IEEE}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{homaifar2019operationalizing, title = {Operationalizing autonomy: A transition from the innovation space to real-world operations}, author = {Abdollah Homaifar and Ali Karimoddini and Berat A Erol and Mubbashar A Khan and Edward Tunstel and Russell L Roberts and Reed F Young and Kyle Snyder and Raymond Scott Swanson and Mo Jamshidi and others}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-01-01}, journal = {IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine}, volume = {5}, number = {4}, pages = {23--32}, publisher = {IEEE}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{yan2019novel, title = {A novel streaming data clustering algorithm based on fitness proportionate sharing}, author = {Xuyang Yan and Mohammad Razeghi-Jahromi and Abdollah Homaifar and Berat A Erol and Abenezer Girma and Edward Tunstel}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-01-01}, journal = {IEEE Access}, volume = {7}, pages = {184985--185000}, publisher = {IEEE}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{erol2018improved, title = {Improved deep neural network object tracking system for applications in home robotics}, author = {Berat A Erol and Abhijit Majumdar and Jonathan Lwowski and Patrick Benavidez and Paul Rad and Mo Jamshidi}, year = {2018}, date = {2018-01-01}, journal = {Computational Intelligence for Pattern Recognition}, pages = {369--395}, publisher = {Springer}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @inproceedings{kozhirbayev2018speaker, title = {Speaker recognition for robotic control via an iot device}, author = {Zhanibek Kozhirbayev and Berat A Erol and Altynbek Sharipbay and Mo Jamshidi}, year = {2018}, date = {2018-01-01}, booktitle = {2018 World Automation Congress (WAC)}, pages = {1--5}, organization = {IEEE}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @inproceedings{erol2018voice, title = {Voice activation and control to improve human robot interactions with IoT perspectives}, author = {Berat A Erol and Conor Wallace and Patrick Benavidez and Mo Jamshidi}, year = {2018}, date = {2018-01-01}, booktitle = {2018 World automation congress (WAC)}, pages = {1--5}, organization = {IEEE}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @inproceedings{puthussery2017deep, title = {A deep vision landmark framework for robot navigation}, author = {Abhijith R Puthussery and Karthik P Haradi and Berat A Erol and Patrick Benavidez and Paul Rad and Mo Jamshidi}, year = {2017}, date = {2017-01-01}, booktitle = {2017 12th system of systems engineering conference (SoSE)}, pages = {1--6}, organization = {IEEE}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @inproceedings{erol2016cloud, title = {Cloud-based Control and vSLAM through cooperative Mapping and Localization}, author = {Berat A Erol and Satish Vaishnav and Joaquin D Labrado and Patrick Benavidez and Mo Jamshidi}, year = {2016}, date = {2016-01-01}, booktitle = {2016 World Automation Congress (WAC)}, pages = {1--6}, organization = {IEEE}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @inproceedings{gallardo2016formation, title = {Formation control implementation using kobuki turtlebots and parrot bebop drone}, author = {Nicolas Gallardo and Karthik Pai and Berat A Erol and Patrick Benavidez and Mo Jamshidi}, year = {2016}, date = {2016-01-01}, booktitle = {2016 World Automation Congress (WAC)}, pages = {1--6}, organization = {IEEE}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} }