CENG 323

Project Management

This course is designed to introduce the engineering students to economic and management concepts. Topics will include economic concepts such as; cash flow, interest rates, rate of return, demand supply relations, product pricing, taxes, inflation, and related subjects; and management analysis such as management layers, network analysis, project management via CPM/PERT networks, optimization concepts, linear programming, and decision analysis. The course also includes use of related software.

Learning Outcomes:

1.To be able to recognize the personal and technical properties required for a project manager.
2.To be able to identify the fundamental steps of project management and risk factors.
3.To be able to describe the outlines of preparation, planning, application, inspection and completion phases of a project.
4.To be able to tell the fundamental economic concepts required for a project manager.
5.To be able to demonstrate computer-aided project planning and management with examples using MS Project software.

Introduction to project management. What is project and management? Project selection
Project team, Project Manager, Project Office
Work Breakdown Structure, Staement of Work, Responsibility Schedule
Source Planning, Cost Planning
Time Planning, FAST Management, Gannt Chart, Business Network Planning
Business Network Planning (cont.), Project Acronym Methods
Introduction to computer program (MS Project)
Team organization, management and leadership
Risk Analysis Methods
Project Supervision, Cost Supervision, Earned Value Analysis, Change Control
Quality Control
Decision methods and tools
Project closure